Staffordshire Eye Examinations
Here at Malcolm Gray and Associates, we are happy to offer a wide range of eye examinations.
In addition to both NHS funded and private eye examinations, we offer:
3D retinal scans and photography
Visual field assessment
Screening for glaucoma
Dry eye assessments
Minor Eye Conditions Service (MECS)
Assessment of specific reading difficulties and visual stress
Contact lens fitting and aftercare
Our experienced team have been performing high-quality eye tests for a number of years.
Find out more about Malcolm Gray and our skilled team members.
NHS-funded eye tests in Eccleshall, Staffordshire
You might be eligible for a free eye test. Malcolm Gray provide NHS-funded eye tests for a broad range of recipients. To find out if that’s you, click here.
Please note that eligibility for an NHS-funded eye examination is at the NHS’ discretion.
Private eye assessments
Whether your visit to our practice is NHS or privately funded, you’ll always receive a personalised assessment where the utmost care and attention is been provided. We’ll be on hand to offer tailored, professional advice and are happy to answer any questions you may have about our eye tests and necessary aftercare.

Refraction Eye Tests
Malcolm Gray are experts in visual health who recognise how important it is that your vision is as good as you want or need it to be.
Refraction eye test procedure
During your examination the optometrist will perform the following tests:
Check your vision either without spectacles, with your current spectacles or both.
Use trial frames and lenses or computerised testing equipment to discover whether you are long or short-sighted. (This test will also detect if you have any refractive errors such as astigmatism that may require professional eye care).
Our optometrists will then be able to offer you expert advice on the best vision correction methods for your requirements.
Eyesight correction prescription options
The optometrist can determine whether lenses can be prescribed which will help you to achieve sharper or more comfortable vision.
Your refraction test results will help the optometrist assess how well your eyes work together and if exercises or prism lenses are needed to improve your binocular vision. This can be important in judging distances, seeing fine detail or just visual comfort.
Your ability to change focus from far to near vision tasks will also be checked to determine whether you would benefit from help with this.
If you have had a recent eye test and been prescribed lenses, take a look at the collections of frames available at Malcolm Gray.
Clinical Eye Tests
The health of your eyes, lids and tear film are all important in our aim to help you maintain good vision for many years to come.
Using both direct assessment with our specialised equipment and computerised imaging techniques we can assess many aspects of eye health.
A slit-lamp bio-microscope enables an optometrist to look in detail at the anterior or front part of your eye. Your eyelids, lashes, tear film, conjunctival membrane, cornea, iris and lens can all be assessed.
An ophthalmoscope or a special high powered lens with the slit-lamp enable the optometrist to look through your pupil and lens to see the retina at the back of your eye. This is the only place in your body where the blood vessels can be seen without skin covering them so we can see evidence of conditions which affect the blood vessels such as high blood pressure or diabetes. We can also assess the head of your optic nerve where it leaves the eye carrying information to your brain.
Raised pressure in the eyeball can lead to damage of the optic nerve and a reduction in the amount of information which it carries. This is one example of glaucoma, which is a leading cause of loss of vision in the over 40s. If undetected it can be many years before the visual loss is noticed and lost vision can not be recovered. For this reason we will routinely check the pressure in your eyes and use the information from the visual field screening test to check for early signs of glaucoma.
Photographs or OCT scans of the retinal can also help in detection of early stages of some eye conditions and also help us to keep an accurate record for comparison in the future.
Retinal Imaging with OCT
Ocular Coherence Tomography (OCT) is a method of imaging the retina and sometimes the anterior eye. Much like ultrasound but using light rather than sound it enables us to see a 3 dimensional image of parts of the eye and to look beneath the surface.
We can see early stages or warning signs for retinal problems such as age-related macular degeneration and more accurately assess the health of the optic nerve to help in recognising.
As the images are stored for future reference we can monitor how eye condition progress or improve over time. It can be a valuable tool in differentiating between different eye conditions with similar symptoms or surface appearance so aiding appropriate referral and avoiding unnecessary referral. Anterior images can help with assessment of acute glaucoma or corneal conditions.
Our optometrists are passionate about the advantages of OCT screening. For this reason we include it as standard on the majority of our private adult eye examinations. We also offer it as an upgrade for NHS funded eye examinations.
Visual Field Tests
Visual field screening assesses the parts of your vision you are least aware of.
It is quite possible to lose areas of your vision in one or both eyes without being aware of it. This is partly because you have two eyes and partly because the human brain is so good at adapting to ignore areas of visual loss.
We are not aware of the blind spot in our vision caused by the aperture for the optic nerve, nor can we see the blood vessels at the back of the eyes which lie over the light sensitive layer.
Visual field screening enables us to pick up areas of visual loss which could indicate a number of different eye or health issues.
For this reason we include visual field screening for the majority of our adult patients and for children where symptoms indicate it.

What Happens After Your Eye Examination?
At the end of your eye examination your optometrist will discuss their results and give you advice on how to improve your vision or look after your eyes.
Using all the information gathered in the eye examination the optometrist will be able to advise you on what needs to or could be done to improve your vision and look after your eyes. This may include advice on better spectacle lenses, contact lenses or sun protection.
You may also be advised on ways to make your eyes more comfortable, given eye exercises or advised on nutrition.
If any further appointments are needed or you require referral to another eyecare professional or your own GP this will be thoroughly explained to you. You can also ask any questions which have arisen during the eye examination.
Want To Learn More? Contact Us To Book An Appointment
Are you thinking about booking an appointment for an eye test? Our friendly reception team are available over the phone or at our Staffordshire based practice to answer any questions you may have.
Charges may apply for some of our additional services. Our staff are happy to answer any queries you have prior to your visit.